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Main Characteristics

The simplest mathematical function for describing waves is the sine (or cosine) function. Waves that can be modeled by a single function are called simple waves. More complex waves can then be represented by superposition or expansion of simple waves. Sine function can be conveniently used to describe a simple wave due to its harmonic or periodic property, which is consistently preserved by any linear mathematical operations (addition, differentiation, integration, etc.).

In water-wave theory, sinusoidal waves are often called small-amplitude or linear waves. Since they are periodic in both space and time, they are also called regular waves. A more detailed description on various wave theories and their derivations will be given in the subsequent chapters.

We will start with some basic terms necessary to define the characteristic of a sinusoidal wave as shown in Figure 1. These terms were cited from [1].

  1. Period (T): Time taken for successive crests to pass a stationary point
  2. Height (H): Vertical distance between the crest and the trough. For a sinusoidal wave, the height is twice as large as the wave amplitude.
  3. Wavelength (L): Horizontal distance between successive crests
  4. Celerity or Phase Speed (c): The propagation speed of the wave crest
  5. Frequency (f): The reciprocal of the period, tex2html_wrap_inline541
  6. a=wave amplitude (=H/2)
  7. tex2html_wrap_inline543 =wave elevation (local, function of x)
  8. SWL = Still Water Line

Figure 1:   Wave Profile at Time t=0

Two parameters are needed to describe a sinusoidal wave, such as the period (T) and the height (H). The other properties, e.g. wavelength, speed, and frequency, can be properly derived from them. The general expression for a plane progressive wave is given by:


where a is the wave amplitude tex2html_wrap_inline547 , k and tex2html_wrap_inline549 are constants to be determined. We will see that these two constants have physical meaning.

Let us now consider a wave profile at time t = 0 as shown in Figure 1. Inserting t = 0 into equation 1 gives the wave profile as:


To determine k, we insert the condition at x = L into equation 2 as follows:


The constant k is called the wave number. Therefore, equation 2 can be written as:


The plane progressive wave moves or propagates at the speed or celerity C. Let us consider the wave profile at time t as shown in Figure 2. Since at time t the wave profile is exactly the same as that at time t = 0, we simply moves the origin of the wave at a distance of tex2html_wrap_inline567 , where:


Figure 2:   Wave Profile at Time t

Denoting the new coordinate frame of the wave by tex2html_wrap_inline569 , we can write the equation for the wave profile as:




Using relationship 5, we obtain:


Refering to the definition of wave period, wavelength and celerity, we can write the relationship between these quantities as:


Substituting the above relationship to equation 8 results in the expression for the profile of a plane progressive wave:


The constant tex2html_wrap_inline571 is called the angular frequency of the wave in radians/second. The relationship between the angular frequency and the frequency can be written as:


Equation 10 is valid for the waves traveling in the positive x direction. The wave profile of a plane progressive wave traveling in the opposite direction can be derived by reversing the sign of the wave celerity C in equation 8 (See Figure 3). This results in:


Figure 3:   Progressive Wave Traveling in -X direction

Figure 4:   Time History at Location x=0

Equation 10 can also be used to determine the time history of a certain point as the wave passes through it. Let us examine the time history at point x = 0 as the wave propagates in time. Inserting x = 0 into equation 10 leads to:


which clearly shows that the sinusoidal wave is also periodic in time (see Figure 4)

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Soon Woong Chang
Wed Sep 29 15:22:46 CDT 1999