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Forces on Groups of Piles



By repeating this procedure for various choices of tex2html_wrap_inline609 it is possible to determine the maximum horizontal force and moment around the mud line for the pile group.

tex2html_wrap_inline611 is an even function, and tex2html_wrap_inline613 is an odd funtion; hence




and calculations need only be done for tex2html_wrap_inline615 radians. Equations (48) and (49) are true for any wave that is symmetric about its crest, and are therefore applicable if the wave tables of Skjelbreia et al. (1960) and Dean (1974) are used. When these tables are used, the wavelength computed from the appropriate finite amplitude theory should be used to transform tex2html_wrap_inline617 into distance from the wave crest, X.

The procedure is illustrated by the following examples. For simplicity, Airy theory is used and only maximum horizontal force is considered. The same computation procedure is used for calculating maximum moment.

Soon Woong Chang
Wed Oct 27 18:58:11 CDT 1999