Waves in "Infinite" Depth
Linear Wave Theory
Waves in "Infinite" Depth Water
Velocity potential and dispersion relation
Velocity flow field in deep water
Particle trajectories in deep water
Pressures in deep water
Particle accelerations in deep water
Waves in Finite Depth Water
Velocity potential and dispersion relation
How to find L for given T and d?
Velocities in finite depth water
Particle accelerations in finite depth water
Particle trajectories in finite depth water
Waves in shallow water
Wave speed in shallow water
Application in wave refraction
Velocity flow field in shallow water
Particle trajectories in shallow water
Group Velocity
Wave Energy and Power
Total wave energy in volume V
Energy and Power per unit wave crest
Formulas from linear wave theory
About this document ...
Soon Woong Chang
Wed Oct 27 12:41:46 CDT 1999